W1: What is Cognition?

Welcome! This is a general orientation for PSYC 2040. Start here to learn more about how this course will work. We will cover the basics of cognition this week.


  • Quick course orientation
  • Discuss key ideas in cognitive science


Work through each of the following Prep, Try, and Apply sections.

  • The Prep section will provide details on all the assigned material you need to complete that week on different days.
  • The Try section will contain any slides/links that may be used during class for activities.
  • The Apply section will provide instructions about the quiz and/or project assignment(s) due at the end of the week.


Before Tuesday

  • Complete the pre-class survey (1 extra credit point)

  • Read the syllabus for this course. If you have questions about the syllabus, then please ask them in class or in the survey.

Before Thursday

After Thursday


Here you will find the slides for each class session as well as links to any demos/activities we may do in class.


W1: Slides 1

W1: Slides 2


W1: Activity 1 (in class)

W1: Exit Ticket


Here are the to-do’s for the week: