W2: Experiment Anatomy

This is the module for Week 2. We will discuss the preliminary building blocks of creating an experiment, as well as a framework for maintaining an effective workflow.


  • Discuss what goes into the front and back-end of creating a webpage
  • Introduce Github and HTML


Work through each of the following Prep, Try, and Apply sections. Please note that all assigned readings will be available on Canvas, and any submissions should also be made directly on Canvas.


Before Tuesday

Unger, L., & Fisher, A. V. (2021). The emergence of richly organized semantic knowledge from simple statistics: A synthetic review. Developmental Review, 60, 100949.

Before Thursday

Please read the following articles BEFORE class:

After Thursday

  • Connect with your group to identify articles for your first project milestone due Sunday, see the Apply section.



Here you will find the slides for each class session as well as links to any demos/activities we may do in class.

W2: Slides 1

W2: Slides 1

You may also need to download this image.


This week, you will be submitting the following: