W4: Correlation and Regression

This is the module for Week 4. We will start learning the basics of how to model continuous relationships between variables.


  • Introduce linear models via correlation and regression


Before Tuesday

Note that February 11th’s class is canceled. In lieu of this class, please review the material we have covered thus far and start preparing for Midterm 1.

Some optional material to consider reading (Note: Our approach towards regression & correlation will be a bit different from the textbook, so it is fine to only focus on class content from here on):

  • OPTIONAL: Read Chapter 15 (everything before Section 15.4) from the Gravetter & Wallnau (2017) textbook.
  • OPTIONAL: Read Chapter 16 (everything before Section 16.2) from the Gravetter & Wallnau (2017) textbook.

Before Thursday

After Thursday



Here you will find the slides for each class session as well as links to any demos/activities we may do in class.

W4: Slides


Here are the to-do’s for this week: